Kate Ride

Chapter 1(Kate’s POV) School stinks, but luckily, today was the last day of my freshman year. The school bell finally rang. I grabbed my backpack and slung it carelessly over my shoulder. I ran to my empty locker to make sure that I wasn’t forgetting anything. Nope, all clear. I ran outside to meet my younger sister, Sammy. I saw her finally come out, her blonde hair bobbing as she skipped out of the elementary side of the school. I flicked my own black hair out of my eyes. We ran to the forest behind our school. I unfurled my jet black wings and took off, my sister following with her white wings extended to their full length. Yes, we have wings. Our parents are none other than the famed Maximum Ride and Fang. I took after my dad. I wore nothing but black and other dark colors. Black was…


Chapter 1(Dawn’s POV) My flock and I were flying somewhere over Hawaii. We stopped on an isolated beach for the night. “Dawn, what are we doing?” Blaze asked. “We’re taking a break, for once.” I replied, leaning back on the ground and closing my eyes. I heard someone land and motioned for my flock to be super still. I slowly opened my eyes and sat up. I looked around. I heard murmuring.  Someone was moving towards us. I stood up and got into a fighting stance, as did the rest of my flock. “Who are you?” I snarled. “I could ask you the same thing.” She snarled back. She was blonde. “Max, are you…” A dark haired boy came from the direction that the girl, Max, had come from. The boy got into a fighting stance. More kids came from that direction to help Max and the boy. It was…


Chapter 1 I was wandering around in a forest. I missed my old home, Thunderclan. One of my best friends was Fireheart. I got caught by the Twolegs with Graystripe. We were walking through a forest. It was full moon. A gathering would be being held right now. I looked towards the lake. There was an island in it and a tree that connected it and the shore. The moonlight seemed to shine to it. That would be a place that they might hold a gathering. “Graystripe, let’s check on that island.” I said. “Okay.” He nodded and we padded to the marshy shore. I leaped onto the tree. I unsheathed my claws. I gripped the tree with my claws and slowly made my way across. I leaped down on the marshy shore. I waited for Graystripe, and then we padded through the bracken. We came out to a clearing…