Lightning Alchemist

Chapter 1(Ashton’s POV) “I’m so sick and tired of chasing you!” I exclaimed, running after the thief. He skidded to a stop and turned into an alley. By the time I had gotten there, he was just standing up from etching a transmutation circle into the ground. “Crap!” I cried, diving out of the path of the concrete pillar. “Well that explains why you want my pocket watch.” I muttered to myself, glancing at my black jacket, which was slung carelessly over his shoulder. “Listen, I’m getting pretty tired, so we can either do this the hard way, or you can hand over my jacket. Since I know you’re not gonna do that, I’m just gonna assume you wanna do the hard way.” I clapped my hands together and slammed them onto the ground. White light flashed and an elemental sword arose. “That was a neat trick. What’s your name,…

Ashton Six

Chapter 1(Ashton’s POV) “Guess what we’re doing tonight?” My best friend, Gabi, asked as she plowed through my closet, throwing out my red plaid mini skirt, red Black Veil Brides shirt that I had designed myself, red converse, and red and black striped tie. I went into my bathroom to change. “What?” I called through the door as I pulled the skirt on. “Going to the BVB concert!” She exclaimed. A large smile grew on my face as I threw open the door and launched myself at her. “Thank you so much!” I shouted happily. “Happy birthday, Ash!” She exclaimed. My name is Ashton Stevens. I just turned 19 today. I live in a large house with my best friend, Gabi. She and I are in a band together with our other best friend, Jason, and his girlfriend Scarlet. Gabi plays guitar, Scarlet plays guitar, Jason is the drummer and…