Reuniting with Max

Chapter 1(Fang’s POV) Wow, I miss Max. Ever since we had that fight, I had hoped that some day, some miracle would happen and she would come back. The flock and I had heard of a burnt down Itex facility in Washington. We had gone to check it out and had found one tawny feather, singed on the edges, but other than that, it was fine. I had kept it to this day. I had pinned it up on my wall. It always reminded me of her. Whenever I got sad, I would hold it and I would become calmed. After we had found the feather, we had settled down in California. We lived on a secluded beach. “I’m going for a walk on the beach.” I called to the flock. Iggy and I were sixteen. Nudge was thirteen. Gazzy was ten and Angel, sweet little Angel, was eight. Angel…


Chapter 1 “Starclan help me!” I yowled, my paws working uselessly in the water. I had fallen into the lake while hunting. I had wandered away from the patrol and I was hoping that they heard me. It started raining and the lake swelled up around me. The water flooded my mouth and eyes. My paws churned uselessly in the water. I needed to breathe. My vision started fogging. I felt teeth grip my scruff. I became limp in the water. I was dragged up. I felt solid ground. Paws started working on my chest, pumping water out of my chest. I spluttered and coughed. “Flamepaw, are you okay?” My father, Firestar asked. I slowly opened my eyes. He was leaning over me. I saw Lionblaze, Icetail, and Spikepaw behind him. “I’m c-c-cold.” I shivered. He helped me up and I stumbled back to camp. Spikepaw brought me to Leafpool.…