Freaking stop. Stop posting your mistakes all over Facebook. Grow up and fix them like a mature adult. Stop whining. Stop complaining. Everyone’s got problems. Literally everyone on this entire planet makes mistakes. Instead of posting your obscure statuses about whatever you might have just screwed up or whoever you might have pissed off, get off the internet and work it out like every other freaking person. We get you want to be a special snowflake and you want people to feel bad for you, but there’s a limit and all I see scrolling down my news feed are these stupid statuses like “Oh I’m such a screw up” or “oops I made a mistake.” Congrats, do you want a pat on the back? An ice cream cone maybe? Someone to hug you and tell you everything is going to be okay? Too bad. Why don’t we act our age? If you screw something up, own up to it, talk it out, then move on. If you make someone mad, so what? Shit happens dude. Get over it. Stop shoving your whiney insecurities onto other people. Facebook is not your diary.