Secret Friend

Chapter 1(Angel’s POV)
“Maximum Ride is coming to school!” A nerd yelled. OMG! Maximum Ride was my secret friend with Monique or as we called her at the park, Nudge. I’m in the popular group with my two brothers Gazzy and Iggy, or Jake and James. They were way overprotective of me. A limo pulled up and Max and her parents stepped out. Max looked at me and Nudge and passed us notes that said to hang out at the mall after school. We nodded and she went in the office. The end of the day bell rang.

“Who is the note from?” Gazzy asked me.

“What, no one.” I said and sped ahead.

“Angel!” Iggy yelled after me. I looked back. My brothers were catching up to me. I pushed myself forward with all of my might. I ran inside and ran up to my room. I closed and locked the door. I changed into a blue skirt and kept my blue tank on. I opened the door. Gazzy and Iggy were standing, blocking my way.

“Move! IT’S NONE OF YOUR BUISNESS WHO I HANG OUT WITH SO JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!” I shouted at them. They looked shocked, but held their ground.

“I’m going to the mall with Monique Jenson, now move.” I said quietly.

“So the rumors are true, you’re hanging out with her.” Gazzy said. I nodded and turned to my window. I opened it and hopped out. I was on the ground floor so it didn’t hurt. I sped towards the mall.

Chapter 2(Iggy’s POV)

She was hanging out with Monique. I didn’t think the rumors were true.

“She’s hiding something. We’ll have to spy on her.” I sighed. Gazzy nodded.

“Let’s call Fang.” Gazzy said. I sighed and nodded. Fang was Monique’s brother.

Chapter 3(Nudge’s POV)
I raced home. My bother, Fang, followed me until I slammed my bedroom door in his face. I changed into different clothes and opened my door. Fang was standing there, arms crossed.

“Where are you going?” He asked me.

“The mall with a friend.” I said.

“With who?” He asked. I shook my head in exasperation and barged past him. I sped out the door. My brother didn’t follow me. He can be so annoying sometimes.

Chapter 4(Fang’s POV)

I sighed. I would have to see who Monique was going to the mall with. The phone rang and I picked it up.

“Hello?” I asked into the receiver.

“Hey, Fang, this is Iggy. My sister is going to the mall with your sister, but she is hiding something. We are going to spy on them and we thought you should be involved.” Iggy said.

“Sure.” I answered and hung up the phone. I opened the door and sped in the direction of Sunset Mall. I met Iggy and Gazzy there and we took our posts.

Chapter 5(Max’s POV)

I sat down at the food court to wait for Nudge and Angel. They finally came.

“What do you guys want to do?” I asked them.

“Let’s eat first.” Nudge said.

“That’s okay with me.” I said. We ate and talked and ate some more.

“Well, let’s talk some. How are you guys?”  I asked them.

“Great.” They answered.

“That’s good. What do you guys want to do now?” I asked.

“Shopping!” They squealed at the same time and raced off. I groaned and followed more slowly. I stopped at a guitar store and walked inside. There was an awesome dark blue electric guitar. I bought it and walked out. Nudge and Angel were standing there looking annoyed.

“Hey, you said shopping.” I pointed out. They groaned and grabbed my wrists. This was going to be a long trip.

Chapter 6(Fang’s POV)
Wow. Monique was hanging out with Maximum Ride and Alissa Stevens. They were talking. Monique and Alissa ran off. Maximum Ride went more slowly. We followed. Max was in a guitar store, buying an awesome looking electric guitar. My sister and Alissa were outside looking annoyed. Max came out and they grabbed her wrists. I snickered at the look on Max’s face as they neared a clothing store. She planted her feet and kept them glued to the floor. Alissa threw her hands up and my sister and her went inside while Max stayed out side, looking at the guitar.

“Hello, Maximum.” A dude said gruffly and pulled out a shotgun. Max gasped. She tried to back away, but the dude and his gang had surrounded her. I looked at Iggy and Gazzy. We needed to help her. Max got into a fighting stance. The guy laughed like a maniac.

Max hit him with a roundhouse kick that sent the shotgun flying. The gang swarmed around her, beating her up. I ran to help her. The gang was gone, but the dude was still there and he had his shotgun back. Max snickered and threw a punch at him.

“Leave me alone, Charlie.” She said. He backed away and turned to run.

“Thanks for the help.” She said.

“Max, what happened?” Alissa shrieked as she dropped all of her clothing bags.

“Just Charlie, again.” Max said.

“I thought Charlie said that he was going to leave us alone.” My sister said. Max shrugged. Alissa and Monique then noticed us.

“YOU LITTLE SPYS! THIS IS MY LIFE!” Alissa shrieked at Iggy and Gazzy. Max turned to us, glaring at us.

“Spying is not right! These are Angel’s and Nudge’s lives, not yours!” She screamed at us. We were faced by three furious girls.

“We wanted to know the truth!” I yelled at her. She looked mad.

“THEY WOULD HAVE TOLD YOU WHEN THEY WERE GOOD AND READY!” She screamed back at me. She looked furious.

“Who is Nudge?” I asked.

“Uh, your sister, duh.” She said matter-of-factly. I glared at Max. She glared right back at me.

“Come on, Angel, we’re going home.” Gazzy said, grabbing his sister’s wrist. She struggled against his grip, but she got dragged away anyway.

“Let’s go, Monique.” I said, also grabbing my sister, but Max ripped my grip away from her arm.

“No.” She said and they ran after Alissa.  They got her back from her brothers and started to run out of the mall to get away from us. We started after them. They looked tired. Max pulled out cell phone and dialed a number. They continued running until they came to a mini-golf course. They hopped the fence and zoomed across it. We did the same. We were coming up on them easily. We caught up to them and I grabbed my sister’s wrist. She was yanked back. Iggy grabbed Alissa’s wrist. Max skidded to a stop and turned around.

“Do you even know how to have fun?” She asked.

“Apparently not, but they’re coming home. They are in big trouble.” I growled. Max walked up to me. She whispered in my ear.

“You will regret this. You don’t know what I can do.” She whispered in my ear and backed away smiling. She passed us to the road and started walking home. I followed her with my sister. Monique ripped her wrist away as Alissa did and the three girls started running again. They put their heads down and ran faster. Alissa lost her flip flops and they ran faster. How they ran so fast, I don’t know. We sighed and followed. We were gaining on them. Max gestured for them to keep running. She turned to face us. She looked furious. I gulped. Receiving one of her glares is scary. We skidded to a stop. She crossed her arms.

“You can’t stop me from having fun with my friends.” She said in a deadly tone. She took a step up to us and punched me right in the nose. It instantly cracked. I fell to the ground holding my nose. I heard the other two fall to the ground. I looked up. Max got right in my face.

“Having fun is part of being a teenager, learn how to be a teenager.” She whispered and spun around. I swallowed and got up, holding my nose as she walked away with Alissa and Monique.


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