Chapter 1 I yowled in the pitch black night. I saw amber eyes appear, then Night came towards me. “What’s wrong, Ember?” She asked. I sighed. I knew what I had to do. I took a deep breath. “I have to leave. I keep getting visions of starry cats. I’m going to find them. Will you come with me?” I pleaded. Night and I were best friends. Black was Night’s mate. Black jumped up beside Night and licked her ear. Night nodded, then turned towards Black, who also nodded. “Oh thank you!” I cried happily. We set off that night. I was walking through the ravaged forest, when suddenly, I was all alone. “Guys?” I called. I heard paw steps, then I was hit from the side. I gasped and threw my attacker off. It was a black cat. “Wait!” Black called and raced through the trees with Night at…